Team Standings

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Standings are kept for informational purposes only and will not be kept for 2nd grade teams

indicates rec team chose the 20 game option

indicates team was moved up or down a division during the break

3B-Rec [field_jan_feb_pod]
Team Record PCT PF PA
North Avondale Montessori Odom 3B-R 10 - 0 1.000 28.30 14.30
Hyde Park Mckee 3B-R 8 - 2 0.800 22.10 16.30
Kilgour Derksen 3B-R 8 - 2 0.800 26.60 13.20
Pleasant Ridge Stratton 3B-R 8 - 2 0.800 26.30 17.30
Fairview-Clifton Bibb 3B-R 6 - 4 0.600 18.80 17.20
Norwood Youth Basketball Millspaugh 3B-R 5 - 4 0.556 24.78 21.44
Kilgour Freeman 3B-R 4 - 6 0.400 18.00 19.10
Norwood Youth Basketball Packer 3B-R 2 - 7 0.250 13.63 23.38
Clifton School Miller 3B-R 2 - 8 0.200 10.20 23.00
Hyde Park Kanet 3B-R 2 - 8 0.200 15.80 23.30
North Avondale Montessori McEwan 3B-R 0 - 10 0.000 11.50 25.40