Registration Update

The registration period is now closed for 2nd-6th grade teams. 7th-12th grade teams can continue to be registered until November 15th. Please read the following updates about division specific issues we are working through:
- We will be able to support teams that registered for the 20 game high rec option for the following divisions: 5th, and 6th boys and 6th girls.
- We will NOT be able to support a 4th grade boys high-rec division or a 5th grade girls high-rec division due to lack of teams registering for that option. All coordinators involved were emailed directly on 10/26 with options.
- Athletic divisions that only have 7 teams will play a 18 game schedule (3rd girls and 4th girls athletic A). We emailed all coordinators asking if they have one team to add to these divisions but did not receive a response.
- All teams will be approved and assigned to pods (for rec teams) by end of day Monday. They can then be reviewed on the Standings page. When a team is approved, an account will be created for the coach (if an email was supplied by the organization), and the coach will receive an email from the web site with instructions on how to claim their account (if a new account). The online Coach Code of Conduct can then be completed by each coach.
- The league will begin the scheduling process on Tuesday and have a schedule available for coordinator review on November 18th. The final schedule will be released on the web site on November 27th.
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