Coaches - Score Reporting

Just a quick word about score reporting. The coach of the winning team is responsible for reporting the score of the game within 48 hours of the game being played (please note, scores are not reported for 2nd grade games). Coaches can access score reporting from several places:
- There is a Report Scores menu option on the Portals->Coach menu
- On your Coach Portal, games that need scores to be reported will be shown in the upper right hand corner of the portal
- In the My Team Schedule section of your Coach Portal, you can report scores for games AND correct scores that were entered in error for up to 14 days after the game has been played
- You can edit your account and subscribe to Score Reporting Notifications. You will receive an email during your game with a link to the score reporting form
Publish Coordinator Portal:
Publish Coach Portal:
Publish Subscriber Portal: