Coach Accounts

If you are a coach and have a question about your account, PLEASE go to the Coach page and try to do some investigation yourself before emailing the league. Please note that coach accounts are not created until teams are approved (a few days after registration closes!) If you have a coach account from last year, it won't be tied to your new team, again, until after registration closes. Only head coaches are granted coach accounts and it is based on the email address assigned to your team by your coordinator. Also, several of you are asking why you can't find the Coach Portal. The Portals menu at the top of the web site does not show up unless you are logged into your account with coach or coordinator level privileges. Makes sense right? We don't expose menu options to just anybody, you need to be logged into your account that has those options first. Thanks!
A quick word on Coach Code of Conduct. This is a requirement for HEAD COACHES only. If you are an assistant coach, you are NOT granted an account and DON'T need to fill out an online code of conduct form. Coaches, once you login to your coach account, the online code of conduct form is available from the Coach option on the Portals menu.