Waiver-Roster Matching

This information has been sent to coaches and coordinators many times and is on portals but there is still a lack of understanding. In order for a child to play in our league, the coach OR coordinator needs to submit a roster with the child's name on it (this can happen in many number of ways that coordinators are familiar with). The parent or guardian MUST fill out a Liability Waiver and the child cannot play without a waiver. The web site automatically attempts to match the waiver to a roster entry to help coaches and coordinators determine who is eligible to play. We match on organization, player last name, and birth date. We have received many emails asking why our system "doesn't show a waiver being completed when it has". We are not saying the waiver doesn't exist, we are saying the information is different between the waiver and the roster. 99% of the time, the problem is that the birth date OR player last name is different between the waiver and the roster. Coaches (who have edit privileges) AND coordinators can quickly rectify this situation by updating their roster to match the waiver or if the parent filled out a waiver with an incorrect birth date or spelling of their child's last name, they need to submit a new waiver. Coordinators and coaches, PLEASE DON'T ASK YOUR PARENTS TO FILL OUT A NEW WAIVER UNTIL YOU HAVE CHECKED INTO WHY YOU DON'T THINK YOU HAVE IT. Thank you.