March 3rd Update: Congratulations to all of our tournament winners and runners up. Thank you to all the organizations and teams that participated in the 2024-25 season. A special thanks to all of the volunteers coordinators, coaches, and of course the players that participate in the league. We couldn't do it without you. Lastly, thank you to all of the referees that make having this league possible. See you next season!

Important Info


  • 2nd-12th grade teams
  • Rec, High-Rec, Athletic
  • 10 game rec/high-rec schedules
  • 20 game rec option (3rd-6th)
  • 20 game athletic schedules
  • Rec teams grouped by location
  • Athletic A/B/C boys divisions
  • Athletic A/B girls divisions
  • League schedules all games
  • League manages/assigns refs
  • Games at member gyms
  • Preseason Shootout
  • Post-season Tournament
  • Sept 26 Team Registration Opens

    Oct 26 Gym Availability Due

    Oct 26 2nd-6th Team Registrations/ Schedule Conflicts Due

    Nov 12 7th-12th Team Registrations/Schedule Conflicts Due

    Nov 16-17 Preseason Shootout (round-robin)

    Nov 22-24 CPYBL Preseason Tournament (bracket-play)

    Nov 23-26 Coordinator Schedule Review

    Nov 27 Schedule Released

    Nov 30 Rosters Due

    Dec 4 Waivers Due

    Dec 6 Opening Weekend

    Dec 23-Jan 9 Winter Break

    Dec 27-29 Holiday Tournament

    Feb 16 7th-12th Regular Season Ends

    Feb 20-23 7th-12th Tournament

    Feb 23 2nd-6th Regular Season Ends

    Feb 27-Mar 2 3rd-6th Tournament

    The coach of the winning team (scores are not reported for 2nd grade games) is responsible for reporting the score of the game within 48 hours of the game being played.  Coaches can access score reporting from several places:
  • Report Scores menu option on the Portals->Coach menu
  • Report Score box in upper right corner of Coach Portal
  • My Team Schedule section of Coach Portal
  • Subscribe to Score Reporting Notifications and receive email with link on game day

  • ALL parents/guardians must fill out the CPYBL Liability Waiver form for each of their children. Players will not be allowed to participate in league games until the waiver has been submitted. Players who participate in a league game without a signed waiver, will be removed from the league for the remainder of the season per league rules.

    Liability Waiver Form

    Please take a moment to read the League Rules as well as the Codes of Conduct that are used to govern the league.

    League Rules

    Coach Codes of Conduct

    Parent/Spectator Codes of Conduct

    Player Codes of Conduct

    Click on the button below to view our inclement weather policy.

    Inclement Weather Info

    Spring D-League Just Announced!

    Back by popular demand is our Spring D (Developmental) League for 3rd-6th grade players of all abilities.  This league is a combo skill training/team play league where kids will receive high quality instruction from experienced Midwest Basketball Trainers and get to try out their new skills in 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5 games.  All spring leagues will take place at the Gregory Center at Sycamore High School.  Read more below and we hope to see you this spring!

    Spring Developmental League

    Amerileagues is pleased to announce a partnership with Midwest Basketball Club who will provide expert training in our new Developmental League (D-League). This new spring league is designed for those that want to elevate their game to the next level! We offer elite training from Midwest Basketball instructors.

    Basic Information:

    1. 3rd-6th Grade Boys and Girls of all abilities
    2. All sessions will take place at the Gregory Center at Sycamore High School
    3. 5 weeks of high quality instruction from experience Midwest Basketball Trainers
    4. Sunday sessions on March 23, March 30, April 6,  April 13, & April 27
    5. Grades 3/4: 3pm-5pm; Grades 5/6: 5pm-7pm, max 40 kids per session

    Building player foundation by focusing on:

    1. Proper footwork
    2. Proper shooting form
    3. Enhancing dribbling/ball-handling/passing skills
    4. Floor spacing concepts

    Other Information:

    1. Apply skill development in 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5 play each week
    2. Knowledgeable Midwest Basketball trainers providing purposeful feedback
    3. Official Midwest Development League Jersey
    4. 40 minute - Running Clock Game with Officials
    5. Weekly adidas prizing and contest winners
    6. $249 Individual/player sign up

    Learn More  Register Now

    click here to read more ...

    All Tournament Brackets Now Available

    Please note that teams were assigned to brackets and seeded based on regular season results as of 9pm on Monday, February 10th for the 7th-12th grade tournament and 10am on Monday, February 17th for the 3rd-6th grade tournament.  While record is the primary driver of seeding, other factors are taken into consideration including head-to-head, strength of schedule, as well as trying to avoid first round matchups between teams from the same organization or pod in (in rec divisions only).  We tried to reduce travel as much as possible, but this is a city wide tournament and we had very few sites available that were centrally located.  In addition, we only guarantee that head coaches with multiple teams can coach their first round games for both teams.  We did the best we could beyond that but please make sure in this case that you have a competent assistant if both teams advance.

    You can access the schedule using the buttons below (all games for your bracket are shown by looking at the Physical Bracket or Schedule by Bracket) or there is a Tournament option on the Schedule menu with the same options to all of the tournament information.  Please note that all brackets, seeds, and schedules are final.

    Find My Bracket Physical Bracket Schedule by Bracket  Schedule by Gym

    click here to read more ...

    Informational Pages

    If you would like to learn more about the CPYBL, feel free to access any of our informational pages which contain information about our league from the perspective of a coordinator, coach, and parent.  Parents, can also fill out their liability waivers right here.

    Parents Page       Coaches Page       Coordinators Page        Liablity Waiver

    click here to read more ...

    Rosters Are Now Frozen

    As of midnight on December 31st, rosters were frozen.  At that time, the following changes were made to the web site:

    1. Liability waiver submissions will no longer create roster entries (for those organizations that had chosen that setting)
    2. Coaches and coordinators will no longer be able to add players to rosters.
    3. Coaches will no longer be able to edit rosters (for those organizations that had chose that setting).  Coordinators are still able to edit rosters (specifically to maintain jersey numbers).
    4. Moving forward, only coordinators will be able to make updates to rosters, and ANY additions to the roster must be sent to the league for approval before being made on the web site.  Only special circumstances will be considered.
    click here to read more ...

    About Us

    The Cincinnati Premier Youth Basketball League is re-inventing youth sports leagues. We partner with our member organizations to ensure the best possible basketball experience for the youth of our communities and their families as well as our volunteer coaches. The CPYBL is committed to bringing a positive league experience to all of our members and are always looking to improve our operations based on the suggestions of our active membership. Please enjoy our expanded web experience by creating an account on our web site or by following us on X @CPYBL